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Why get a safety deposit box at the cage? Poker Games.

Why get a safety deposit box at the cage?

Just an informative post for those thinking of physical security of your bankroll.

I go to a home game that I do not feel comfortable bringing my entire roll to. Normally, I just take out all but two buy-ins and hide it in the house. The other day I was panicked and about five minutes from calling the police on the maids because I was missing $1800. (I found it, luckily)

After running real good the other night, I needed to get a security box at the casino (splitting a room with some guy I met at the tables, I am not going to be carrying $3k overnight)

For those that are curious, I highly recommend getting a box at the cage. I assume it works the same everywhere:

Give ID, height, weight, optional password and a refundable $50 deposit. After paperwork, you get two keys. Either of which in union with the cage's key will open your box. The removable box inside has room for at least two full racks and plenty of folding money.

You access the box in a private room. They give you the box and leave you do do your business and then lock it up for you.

They claim they will drill out your lock and "pick you up" if you do not use your box at least once a month (You lose deposit this way also). I suspect they only do this when they are short boxes. You can call and tell them you are on vacation to lengthen this time.

I like having a box because I do not have a convenient way to turn folding money into bank account money (I bank over the net). The little room to access the box is like a sanctuary, the only quiet, private place in the casino. I can see that going to the cage to get more money gives you a few minutes to reflect after what must have been a massive suck-out! If the line at the cage is long, you can go to your box (a different, less used line) and cash out or simply stuff the racks in the box so you do not need to buy next time.

Pretty much, the box costs nothing and limits the downside of spending your bankroll or losing it to theft. Highly recommended. Only problem is I will need to split the roll between the two places I play when I get a box at the other place too.

i would think a box would be appropriate for high limit players only. Someone who is bringing many thousands of dollars to play with ona regular basis. For the sake of argument lets say 5/10 player and up bringing 3K or ore a day to play and having the potential to win 5K or more. That type of player may not want to walk around with 5-10K or more in his pocket.

with a banroll of 1800 seems like overkill to have a box.