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Offshore Banking in the Mauritius

Offshore Banking in Mauritius -

The benefits of offshore banking in Mauritius

  • Offshore tax benefits: Banking offshore could offer you tax efficient accounts and investments, depending on your situation

  • Convenience: easy, international access

  • A safe haven for your money: If you live in a country which is politically or economically unstable, placing your money in the Mauritius offshore may protect your assets more effectively. What's more, the Mauritian jurisdiction provides for guaranteed confidentiality for those engaged in legitimate business through express provisions and customary laws governing relationships between banks and customers and between professionals and clients

An offshore bank account is simply an account you open at bank outside your country of residence. For the bank, it is account held by someone who is non-resident in their country. In contrast, a bank in your country of residence would be referred as a domestic bank.

Isn’t Offshore Banking Illegal?
No. This is a myth, created by the media and some governments.

Do I need to be super-rich to bank offshore?
No, this is another myth.

Are offshore banks safe?
Generally speaking, yes. Most offshore and private banks around the world are very well run and conservatively managed.

What is the best country to open an offshore bank account?
It depends on things like your country of residence and citizenship, and also the purpose for which you need the account.

Do I have to travel to open an offshore account?
Not necessarily. The majority of banks do want to meet their clients in person, and most clients like to see the bank they are entrusting with their money. But some banks do allow for accounts to be opened by mail.

Can US citizens open offshore accounts?
Yes, but it is more difficult for Americans. Because of the restrictions imposed by the US government, like the IRS, the HIRE Act and
FATCA, many of the best offshore banks are now refusing to deal with Americans