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The signature card Postfinance

The signature card .

Details on how to complete it.


Why is a signature card needed?

The signature card is used to verify your signature and protects you against misuse of your account or custody account.

Who completes the signature card?

Account holder.

·Each account holder must complete a signature card.

·For partner accounts or custody accounts, both account holders must complete a signature card.

.For several accounts or custody accounts, the corresponding signature cards must be completed for each account or custody account.


Authorized persons.

·The account holder may grant  signing authority to one or several persons for each account or custody account.

·Each authorized person must complete a signature card.


All references to persons apply to both genders and to more than one person.


Below an example of how to complete signature card:


How to complete the signature card:


Please write legibly in block capitals and use a black ballpoint or felt-tip-pen.

Thank you.


1. Please indicate whether the signature card is for the Yellow Account (Das Gelbe Konto), the Yellow Deposito Account (Das Gelbe Deposito-Konto) or the custody account (Depot). A separate signature card must be completed for each account or custody account.


2.Please indicate whether the signature card is for you (Inhaber) or an authorized person (Bevollmächllgter).


3.Please indicate the salutation for the person to whom the signature card applies.


4.Please enter the full name and title of the person for whom the signature card applies.

5.Please add the date of birth and nationality of the person for whom the signature card applies.

6.The person for whom the signature card applies should sign. Please ensure that the signature is within the field “Elgenhändlge Untershrlft” and does not extend over the margin.

7.As the account holder, you have the option of granting power of attorney and of deciding who should have single or collective signing authority. Joint signing authority means that two holders of power of attorney may only sign together.
8.This point applies only to the signature card for the account holder. It governs the issue of beneficial ownership. The beneficial owners are the persons to whom the assets in the account or custody account belong. Please indicate whether you yourself or other natural or legal persons are the beneficial owners.

When opening an account or custody account, this heading must be marked on the signature card of each account holder.

In the case of a partner account or custody account, the partner is not an “additional natural person”, but an account holder (mark the top field).

The question pertaining to beneficial ownership must be answered on the signature cards of both partners.

If you request an additional signature card for your existing account or custody account, the heading need only be marked if the beneficial ownership has changed since you opened the account.

The following options are available:

A)Only you are the beneficial owner ® mark top field only.

B)You and other persons are the beneficial owners® mark both fields.

C)Only other persons are the beneficial owners® mark lower field only.

9.When opening an account or custody account, by signing as the account holder you confirm that you accept the General Terms and Conditions of PostFinance and the associated Subscriber Conditions. By signing, you also confirm that the information regarding beneficial ownership is correct.

When an account or custody account is opened for minors or persons deprived of legal capacity without power of disposal, you as the legal representative confirm on your signature card that the General Terms and Conditions of PostFinance and the associated Subscriber Conditions have been accepted and that the information regarding beneficial ownership is correct. If power of attorney is granted to an additional person, you as the account holder confirm with your signature that this person is authorized to sign for the account or custody account. The power of attorney remains valid after the death of the account holder.

10.If a Yellow Account or custody account is opened for minors or persons deprived of legal  capacity, you as the legal representative sign on the account holder’s signature card or, if the  account holder cannot dispose of the assets and has therefore not completed his own signature card, on your own signature card and thus give your consent to the opening of the account or custody account.

When a Yellow Deposito Account is opened for minors aged over 14 or for persons deprived of legal capacity, you as the legal representative sign on the account holder’s signature card, so that the account holder can dispose of the assets himself.