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What is the Swiss Procedure for Buying Gold?

For centuries, people have entrusted their money to the precious metals market. Switzerland, a world wide banking hub, is also home to the largest gold market in the world. People who are in possession of a Swiss bank account have six different ways to invest their money in gold. Investors should be sure to choose the Swiss procedure that makes the most sense for them and their funds.
First of all, investors can buy actual gold. If they wish to transfer their funds into an exchangeable object that they can keep in their possession, then they can buy bars of gold. People should be aware that their Swiss bank will charge them a fee for delivering the gold. This method is often attractive to people who want to consolidate a great deal of money into a transportable commodity.
Those who are already in possession of gold can deposit the bar or bars for safekeeping into a Swiss bank box. People who decide to use this procedure should be sure to have their gold bars certified before depositing them in the bank. This will ensure their quality and allow the investor to trade the gold at a later date.
There is a Swiss procedure that will allow an individual to invest in gold without actually purchasing the metal. If the person decides to invest in a precious metal account, he or she will contractually own a portion of a gold bar. This allows him or her to invest in the precious metal without paying the fees involved in manufacturing the bars or delivering them.
An alternative is to buy shares or funds in the gold industry through a Swiss bank. Investors can also invest in markets that rely on gold-based products through a Swiss bank. This is much like investing in the stock market.
The rarest and, perhaps, most artful Swiss procedure for investing in gold is to become involved in numismatics. Numismatics is a field of study that has to do with ancient gold and coins. In addition to the weight and quality of a piece of gold, a numismatics scholar will also be interested in its history and rarity. This way of working with gold is only used by a small percentage of investors.
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Banca offshore en Panamá: protección de activos y privacidad

La industria bancaria de Panamá ha generado un fuerte atractivo para las empresas y corporaciones que requieren de operaciones offshore.

Panama se ha convertido en el más moderno y exitoso país de América Latina, y su centro bancario internacional puede ser descrito de la misma manera. El país recientemente aprobó legislación que cumple con los estándares de transparencia y regulación, y esto ha sido el atractivo para los más de 85 bancos de 35 países distintos localizados en Panamá.

Panamá ha aceptado el desafío y tomado acciones al soportar las doctrinas FATF y OECD. Estas medidas fueron aprobadas por la comunidad internacional, preocupada por el lavado de dinero, financimiento a actividades terroristas y narcotráfico. Después del 11 de setiembre, se esperaba una mayor persecución a este tipo de actividades, y tanto Panamá como sus bancos han tomados pasos en la dirección correcta para asegurar que su lugar en la comunidad de banca offshore se mantenga protegido.

Los usos legales para cuentas bancarias offshore en Panamá abundan. La principal cobros y pagos, cartas de créditos, ahorros, diversificación de inversión, comercio electrónico, solo para nombrar algunas. En nuestro manual offshore usted verá los usos descritos.
El punto neurálgico para el éxito de una Incorporación radica, precisamente en el hecho de poder abrir una cuenta bancaria mercantil para realizar transacciones a nivel internacional desde Panamá.
Panamá es reconocida a nivel mundial por su extraordinario centro bancario internacional, uno de los más grandes del mundo más de 150 bancos de distintos países tienen presencia en esta jurisdicción.
Una vez abierta tu Cuenta Bancaria Offshore en Panamá tu podrás realizar cualquier transacción online por medio de nosotros o por tarjetas de crédito y débito internacionales. No es necesario realizarlas personalmente, no es necesario viajar a Panamá cada vez que necesites tu dinero offshore.
Entre los Beneficios de las Cuentas Bancarias Offshore en Panamá están:
1. Panamá es un Paraíso Fiscal, las cuentas bancarias en Panamá no son gravables bajo ningún aspecto.
2. Estables y Estrictas Leyes de Secreto Bancario: revelar información bancaria e información de los accionistas o firmantes de la cuenta es un delito.
3. Centro Bancario: La jurisdicción offshore de Panamá cuenta con un excelente sistema bancario que permite realizar transacciones seguras.
4. Excelente Reputación: Panamá cuenta con la mejor reputación de todo el Caribe, sus operaciones offshore son basadas eminentemente en propósitos inversionistas no como otras jurisdicciones quienes abiertamente se proclaman como evasores.
Requerimientos para abrir una Cuenta Bancaria Mercantil en Panamá:
1. Pacto Social o Certificado de Incorporación de la Sociedad inscrito en el Registro Público.
2.Copia del Pasaporte o Cédula de Identificación Personal de Directores, Dignatarios y Firmantes
3. Referencias Bancarias. (Cuando el firmante sea extranjero)
4. Completar Formulario proporcionado por el Banco.
5. Dos Carta de Referencias Financiera si el firmante es extranjero.

6. Realizar el Deposito Mínimo de US$1000.00.

Servicio de Firmante Autorizado
Para aquellos clientes que prefieren 100% de anonimato sin revelar incluso su identidad al banco, le ofrecemos el servicio de firmante autorizado para confidencialidad adicional. En estos casos, nos suplimos uno o más de nuestro directores, como firmantes de la cuenta. Cuando el cliente necesite realizar una transacción a través de la cuenta corporativa, simplemente nos contactan y nosotros nos encargamos, el cliente tendrá acceso al balance de la cuenta cuando lo desee por Internet. Nuestros honorarios anuales por dicho servicio son US$500.00 y US$50 por hora por cada transacciones.
Préstamos por medio de su Cuenta Offshore
Cuando el cliente necesite grandes cantidades de dinero para su uso personal o de negocios sin pagar impuestos extras, nuestra firma tramita en el banco préstamos mercantiles cuyos intereses son deducibles de los intereses adquiribles en su cuenta y de impuesto en sus operaciones tanto a nivel nacional como internacional cuando se apliquen. Esta operación se realiza mediante garantías pignoradas por cuentas de ahorros.
Tarjetas de Credito:

Los bancos recomendados ofrecen tarjetas de crédito seguras de uso internacional (Visa or MasterCard). Nuestra firma cobra en concepto de horario un cargo de US$100.
La tramitación de tarjetas de creditos implica que el cliente coloque un depósito de seguridad colaterales para que se le dé una línea de credito en una cantidad igual al125% del límiete de crédito escogido para la tarjeta. El depósito de seguridad es intocable y es congelado en la cuenta bancaria se realiza mediante cuentas de ahorros o plazos fijos, ello permanecerá de esa manera hasta que la tarjeta se cierre, sin embargo este depósito ganará intereses mientras se encuentre congelado, este interés es deducible del interés a cargar por el uso de la tarjeta.
El honorario anual del empieza con US$50 o más de acuerdo al tipo de crédito escogido: Plata, Oro, Platinium, etc.
Tarjeta de Débito:
Las Tarjetas de Débito son promovidas para cuentas corporativas a través de algunos bancos en Panamá. Pueden ser usadas por ATM que acepta tarjetas "Plus" e"Interlink" (usadas internacionalmente). El costo anual del banco para estas tarjetas es de US$15. Nuestra firma cobra por este servicio US$50.00 sin incluir flete.
Cuentas con Chequera:
Existen dos clases de Cuentas Bancarias Corporativa con Chequera:
A. Chequeras Internacionales: Estas cuentas son utilizadas por aquéllos clientes que necesiten cuentas offshore con facilidad de pagar con cheques internacionalmente aceptados en dólares estadounidenses.
  • Depósito Inicial Mínimo: US$5000.
  • Tasa de Interés: ningún interés es pagado sobre cuentas con chequeras.
  • Balance Mínimo Requerido: US$5000.
B. Chequeras Locales:
  • Depósito Inicial Mínimo: US$1000.
  • Tasa de Interés: ningún interés es pagado sobre cuentas con chequeras.
  • Balance Mínimo Requerido: US$500.
  • Cargo mensual, si el Balance Mínimo Requerido no se cumple: US$500: US$10.
  • Estados contables pueden ser enviados por E-mail.
  • Costo del Cheque local Certificado: US$2.
  • Costo por Cheque Internacional Certificado: US$5 to US$25
Beneficios de Cuentas Corporativas
Mercando Monetario Internacional FOREIGN EXCHANGE (FOREX).
  • Bancos alrededor del mundo obtienen ganancias por el orden superior del 50% de la totalidad de sus ganancias anuales a través del Mercando Monetario Internacional, sin embargo este es un mercado abierto a todo el mundo deja que te asesoremos.
  • El cambio de Moneda Internacional actualmente promedio de retorno mensual del 10%.
  • La más simple definición de intercambio monetario internacional, es la práctica de intercambiar la moneda de un país por la de otro. El intercambio de moneda implica primordialmente cuatro variables: Monedas, Tasa de Cambio, Tiempo y Tasa de Interés. La interacción de estas variables crea la oportunidad para el pequeño y mediano inversionista de obtener retornos que generalmente no son tan escuchados como otros rubros tradicionales.
  • Además de Proteger tus Activos puedes invertirlo a bajos riesgos mediante las firmas especializadas que nosotros podemos recomendarle para proteja activamente sus líquidos.
  • Arriba del 85% de las transacciones diarias implican cambio de moneda, las cuales incluyen el Dólar Estadounidense, Euro, Yen, Libra Esterlina, Franco Suizo, Rublo, Dólar Canadiense, entre otros.
  • Los riesgos bien planeados para este mercado son bajos.

Receber dinheiro do exterior: Dinheiro vivo

Dinheiro vivo
Se o objetivo é simplesmente ter dinheiro durante uma viagem ao exterior, o brasileiro pode levar uma quantia significativa de dinheiro vivo consigo mesmo. Portando até 10.000 reais em espécie ou o equivalente em moeda estrangeira, não será preciso informar as autoridades sobre o montante carregado. Caso pretenda transportar mais do que isso, será preciso fazer a chamada Declaração de Porte de Valores (DPV) na alfândega. É importante frisar que não há qualquer limite para a quantidade de dinheiro levada para outros países. Também não incidem impostos ou taxas sobre o dinheiro. Basta cumprir as exigências da Receita Federal, que orienta o passageiro a completar o formulário com antecedência através do endereço disponível na internet (
De qualquer forma, apenas o preenchimento do questionário não atesta que o dinheiro foi devidamente declarado. É necessário comparecer à alfândega para apresentá-lo junto com a passagem, o passaporte e o contrato do câmbio, se esse for o caso. A quantia informada será então checada cédula a cédula para que o embarque seja enfim legalizado. O procedimento, que dura em torno de dez minutos, se repete na chegada ao país. Lembrando que a alfândega é sempre feita no primeiro pouso do avião, no caso do passageiro estar chegando ao país, e no último aeroporto em solo brasileiro, caso esteja partindo. Assim, não adianta apresentar a declaração em Brasília se ainda faltar uma conexão para o voo internacional. De maneira análoga, se o migrante pretende trazer dinheiro para a família em Minas, ele deverá fazer a declaração em Guarulhos (SP), supondo que este tenha sido seu aeroporto de chegada no Brasil.
"Dinheiro é muito bem-vindo em qualquer parte do mundo. Muita gente fica com a impressão que é proibido viajar com um valor mais alto, o que não é verdade. O problema está na mentira ou na omissão", esclarece a advogada Andrea Dumortout de Mendonça, autora do livro "Câmbio e Negócios Internacionais". Quem for pego com mais de 10.000 reais não declarados terá o dinheiro apreendido e será indiciado pela Polícia Federal por evasão de divisas.

Receber dinheiro do exterior: Vale postal eletrônico

Vale postal eletrônico
Os Correios também realizam o envio e recebimento de valores para 41 países, sempre em dólar ou euro, através de um serviço chamado Vale Postal Eletrônico. O dinheiro é remetido ou sacado nas agências postais credenciadas no exterior e a transferência é finalizada dentro de um prazo que varia entre 5 e 15 dias úteis. O limite máximo para as remessas varia em função dos acordos firmados entre as nações. Para Madagascar, por exemplo, o teto da remessa é de 300 dólares, ao passo que o valor cresce para 5.000 euros se o destino for a Polônia. O recebimento do dinheiro no Brasil é de no máximo 3.000 euros, valor que também varia conforme a política acordada entre os países. Vale lembrar que o serviço não está disponível para o recebimento de dinheiro dos Estados Unidos, de onde sai a maior quantia destinada ao Brasil - 894,5 milhões de dólares em 2009, ou 40% do total que entrou no país. Seja qual for o lugar de destino da transferência, o preço da operação é de 35 reais mais 1,5% do valor da remessa. Por isso, quanto maior o montante, mais vantajosa será a opção de envio com os Correios. Com o euro a 2,25 reais, por exemplo, o envio de 100 euros para a Espanha sairá a 39 reais, ou 17% do dinheiro remetido. Por outro lado, a taxa cai para 2% - ou 136,25 reais - se a remessa for de 3.000 euros.

Receber dinheiro do exterior: E-conta

Caso já tenha cartão de crédito com a bandeira Visa emitido no exterior, o imigrante poderá abrir uma conta via internet na Caixa Econômica Federal para enviar dinheiro ao Brasil. A taxa para a transferência é de 2,5% sobre o valor remetido, sendo que o montante é debitado no cartão de crédito do usuário. Para abrir a chamada E-conta, é necessário ser maior de idade, residir no exterior e ter CPF. Embora possa ser criada na web através de um cadastro simples, a ativação da conta só será feita depois que o cliente encaminhar uma cópia do documento de identidade ou passaporte para a CEF. Este processo deve ser concluído em um prazo máximo de 30 dias. A partir daí, o dinheiro poderá ser transferido para qualquer conta da Caixa no Brasil ou mesmo ficar disponível para saque em uma agência do banco previamente selecionada, de modo que o beneficiário não precise ser correntista da instituição. O limite para remessa mensal é de 30.000 reais e cada operação não pode ultrapassar o valor de 10.000 reais. Os valores chegam ao destinatário em até dois dias úteis.

Receber dinheiro do exterior: Conta no exterior

Conta no exterior
Abrir conta em outro país segue os mesmos requisitos necessários no Brasil: apresentação de comprovante de renda, residência e documentos. Ao cliente brasileiro de um banco estrangeiro, cabe a obrigação de informar anualmente o Banco Central sobre os ativos mantidos no exterior caso eles ultrapassem 100.000 dólares. Mas se o objetivo é transferir dinheiro, a abertura da conta só vale a pena se o migrante precisar do banco para outros propósitos. Isso porque o envio de dinheiro de um país para outro segue a mesma lógica de uma transferência bancária feita por ordem de pagamento, com a única diferença de que no último caso tanto o destinatário quanto o remetente têm conta em instituições financeiras. Portanto, além de bancar os custos do processo em si, o cliente vai arcar com o ônus da abertura de conta, com a cobrança de todas as taxas em moeda estrangeira.
Exatamente por isso, o processo não compensa para um estudante de intercâmbio, por exemplo, que não irá trabalhar e nem receber qualquer remuneração lá fora. Para que o dinheiro chegue à sua conta, seus pais deverão realizar uma ordem de pagamento e o custo do processo é o mesmo tendo o sujeito qualquer vínculo com o banco ou não. O consultor especialista em sistema financeiro José Luiz Rodrigues, do escritório JL Rodrigues, Carlos Átila & Associados, defende que a manutenção de uma conta no exterior com o intuito de receber ou enviar dinheiro para o país de origem só compensa quando o correntista tem grandes valores para administrar. "Normalmente é para que tem que fazer a gestão do dinheiro por ter imóvel, negócios ou investimentos", esclarece.
A exceção fica por conta de bancos no Brasil que oferecem a possibilidade de abertura de conta na mesma instituição lá fora. Os clientes Premier do HSBC - com renda mensal superior à 7.000 reais ou investimentos de no mínimo 50.000 reais aplicados no banco - podem enviar quantias para diferentes países através do internet banking. A mensalidade da conta custa entre 45 e 49 reais e não há taxas para transferência entre contas de mesma titularidade.

Receber dinheiro do exterior: Transferência bancária por ordem de pagamento

Transferência bancária por ordem de pagamento
Quem optar por mandar dinheiro do exterior através de uma transferência bancária poderá utilizar praticamente qualquer agência para fazê-lo. Basta ir até a instituição financeira de sua preferência e solicitar o envio dos recursos por meio da chamada ordem de pagamento. A característica principal desta operação é que o beneficiário deve necessariamente ter uma conta bancária. Ademais, ambas as instituições cobrarão pelo serviço. Assim, quem estiver no exterior desembolsará uma taxa para que o dinheiro chegue ao destino pretendido, mesmo não sendo correntista do banco contatado. A tarifa é conhecida como ordem de pagamento expedida. Uma vez no Brasil, a agência que recebeu o montante também descontará uma determinada quantia do dinheiro que irá disponibilizar ao cliente.
O processo é o mesmo para quem deseja enviar dinheiro para fora. Basicamente, será preciso informar os dados da pessoa que vai resgatar o dinheiro, bem como o código do banco onde os recursos serão sacados, conhecido como código SWIFT. Para agilizar a operação e incentivar o recebimento de remessas por meio das suas instituições, a maioria dos bancos já disponibiliza formulários semipreenchidos em seus sites, com os SWIFTs devidamente indicados.
A desvantagem patente da operação é cobrança de custos dos dois lados da cadeia. Segundo Roger Ades, diretor de remessas do Banco Rendimento, os bancos no exterior costumam cobrar de 20 a 40 dólares para fazer a remessa do dinheiro, mas a operação também tem um custo para as instituições daqui. No Brasil, a ordem de pagamento recebida abate de 20 a 100 dólares do montante que chega ao país, valor que varia conforme a quantidade transferida. "A transferência bancária é mais vantajosa para valores mais altos. Muitas vezes as agências de remessas não têm a política de mandar mais de 10.000 dólares para o exterior para evitar lavagem de dinheiro", explica Ades.
Conheça os custos cobrados pelos principais bancos brasileiros para enviar e receber dinheiro via transferência bancária:
Instituição Taxa para envio Taxa descontada do recebimento
Bradesco Até 100 dólares Até 100 dólares
Itaú Unibanco 200 reais 140 a 200 reais
Caixa Econômica Federal 1% do valor da transferência, sendo o mínimo de 30 dólares e o máximo de 100 dólares 1% do valor da transferência, sendo o mínimo de 20 dólares e o máximo de 100 dólares
Banco do Brasil 1% do valor da transferência, sendo o mínimo de 50 reais e o máximo de 250 reais 1% do valor da transferência, sendo o mínimo de 50 reais e o máximo de 250 reais

Receber dinheiro do exterior: Western Union

Western Union
Rapidez e desembaraço burocrático caracterizam a transferência de dinheiro pela Western Union, a mais conhecida empresa de remessas do mundo. Criada em 1851 como uma companhia de telegramas em Nova York, a Western só introduziu o serviço de troca de dinheiro em seu portfólio vinte anos depois. Hoje, o serviço é de longe seu principal negócio: apenas as transferências de "consumidor para consumidor", que abarcam as remessas de dinheiro de imigrantes para seus países de origem, renderam 4,3 bilhões de dólares à empresa em 2009 - ou 85% do total arrecadado no ano. O sucesso se assenta na tradição que já atravessa séculos, na vasta rede de pontos autorizados, mas sobretudo na facilidade de recuperação dos recursos remetidos.
Nesse tipo de operação, o beneficiário não paga qualquer taxa para sacar o montante. Os custos ficam a cargo do depositante, que deve preencher uma ficha especificando o local, a quantia e o nome de quem irá receber o dinheiro. Em seguida, será emitido um Número de Controle de Transferência de Dinheiro, mais conhecido pela sigla MTCN, que permite o rastreamento do processo pela internet. A grande vantagem é que não é preciso ter conta em banco para resgatar a quantia. Menos de 24 horas depois, o dinheiro poderá ser retirado em uma dos 410.000 agências autorizadas espalhadas pelo globo. Na verdade, a Western promete concluir a operação em questão de minutos. Por aqui, o serviço é oferecido no Banco do Brasil e nas agências de câmbio e turismo Action, Encantur, Fitta, Fair, Lastro, Novo Mundo, Ourominas, Renova, Turiscred, Turismo10 e Treviso.
Tamanha eficiência tem preço e há quem diga que em um cenário de incremento do uso dos cartões de crédito e débito no exterior, o custo do serviço pode não compensar. Segundo levantamento da Pro Teste, ONG de defesa do consumidor, o envio de dinheiro através da Western Union pelo Banco do Brasil parte de 21 dólares para transferências de até 200 dólares e chega a 287 dólares para remessas superiores a 10.000 dólares. Trocando em miúdos, quanto menor o valor, proporcionalmente mais caro será o serviço, sendo que a taxa cobrada pode chegar a 10% do valor remetido. Além disso, o pagamento em espécie só é disponível até 4.000 reais. Se quiser recolher mais do que isso, o beneficiário deve comparecer com 48 horas de antecedência à agência onde irá retirar o dinheiro para fazer uma notificação. Por fim, valores acima de 10.000 reais só chegam aos brasileiros mediante o depósito em conta corrente ou poupança no Banco do Brasil.

Sending and receiving money in Brazil

If you ever need to transfer money from a foreign account to a Brazilian bank, you will need the swift code and all relevant bank and account information (full name and address, agency and account number, etc.). Some countries also use the IBAN which is basically the bank account and agency numbers. The IBAN is not used in Brazil. The SWIFT code, however, is the country code, bank code and city code, totaling 11 digits. In order to get this code right, you will have to contact the receiving bank and ask for it, or ask the receiver to find out the SWIFT code of the bank in Brazil. Don´t call the main office as they will tell you to call the branch. Try the “cambio” desk of the branch. Below, some SWIFT codes of the main Brazilian banks and some useful websites in case you need more information. You will not need the SWIFT of the agency, just the general SWIFT of the bank in Brazil to send money. If you need help, write a comment.
Swift codes of major Brazilian banks
Note: all More information links are to the International Remittance page of the bank´s website, in Portuguese. It is VERY important to use these swift codes for sending money as most banks have more than one swift code. If you are unsure or have not been given information on the specific “branch”, use the general swift codes provided below.
Swift code: ITAUBRSP
Bank code: 341
More information
Contact info
Bank code: 237 (Bank Bradesco S.A)
More information
Caixa Economica Federal
Swift code: CEFXBRSP
Bank code:
More information
Banco do Brasil
Swift code: BRASBRRJ
Bank code: 001
More information
Western Union (Banco do Brasil is the only bank that accepts remittances via Western Union)
Swift Code: BCBBBRPR
Bank Code: 399
More information
Client services
Santander (Banco Santander Banespa)
Swift Code: ABNABRSP
Bank Code: 033

Stock Exchanges in the world

Also view The Biggest list of banks in the World
  • American Stock Exchange (AMEX)
    Providing American Stock Exchange resources for investors and issuers seeking financial opportunities.
  • Nasdaq Stock Market (8)
    Explore NASDAQ, the electronic screen-based equity securities market in the United States through sites featuring real-time stock quotes and trading news in several languages, investor tools, IPO info, statistics, company profiles, and market indexes.
  • NYSE (5)
    Find sites about NYSE Group which operates the New York Stock Exchange and the NYSE Arca Exchange through sites including market and trading info, real-time stock quotes, searchable index of listed companies, annual reports, history, as well as publications and announcements.
  • Chicago Board of Trade
    Futures and options exchange.
  • Australian Stock Exchange
    Includes listed company information, share prices, market performance, and news.
  • Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
    One of Japan's five stock exchanges.
  • Bombay Stock Exchange
    The BSE site offers stock quotes, indices, public issue information, corporate filings, and other trading information.
  • London Stock Exchange@
    Learn about the London Stock Exchange which lists U.K. as well as overseas companies from sites featuring investor resources, real-time stock quotes, trading news, as well as business and technical aspects of the electronic trading service for FTSE 100 securities.
  • Italian Stock Exchange - La Borsa Valori Italiana
    Provides market data, listed companies profile, intermediaries, and options and futures.
  • Bolsa de Madrid - Spain
    Features stock quotes, market news, company listings, and press releases of the Madrid Stock Exchange which integrates all the securities markets and financial systems in Spain.
  • Stock Exchange of Thailand
    Provides Thai stock news and real time share prices.
  • Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
    Official site of the main stock exchange of Mexico. In Spanish.
  • Philadelphia Stock Exchange
    Official site of the oldest stock exchange in U.S. offers stock quotes, trade info, market indices, daily volume summary, and more.
  • OTC Bulletin Board
    Regulated quotation service that provides real-time quotes, last-sale prices, and volume information in over-the-counter (OTC) equity securities.
  • Taiwan Stock Exchange
    Features stock quotes, company listings, market info, regulations, and trading system of the Taiwan Stock Exchange in Taipei. In English and Chinese.
  • Minneapolis Grain Exchange
    Non-profit member organization in Minneapolis, Minnesota trades futures and options on grains. Official web site includes spot indexes, trade news, cash market reports, regulations, and history.
  • Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
    Information in Hebrew and English on TASE, the stock exchange in Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • Zagreb Stock Exchange
  • Luxembourg Stock Exchange
  • Ljubljana Stock Exchange

Guthabenkarte - Prepaidkarte

Guthabenkarte MasterCard Prepaidkarte

Mit dem Begriff Guthabenkarte, in Österreich auch Wertkarte, wird die Nutzung von Dienstleistungen über vorausbezahlte Guthabenkonten umschrieben, die im Telekommunikationsbereich verbreitet ist. Die häufig verwendete Bezeichnung Prepaidkarte leitet sich von engl. prepaid für „vorausbezahlt“ und dem aus Pappe oder Kunststoff bestehenden Datenträger ab.

  [Verbergen]  1 Karte als Datenträger
 2 Karte als Zahlungsmittel
 3 Vertragsverhältnis
 4 Typen von Guthabenkarten 4.1 Karten zur Nutzung von Telefongesprächsguthaben
 4.2 Game Time Code
 4.3 Andere Guthabenkarten

5 Einzahlung des Guthabens
 6 Gründe für die Nutzung von Prepaid-Systemen 6.1 Im Mobilfunkbereich

7 Kreditkarten ohne Bonitätsauskunft
 8 Mobilfunk 8.1 Deutschland 8.1.1 Unverfallbarkeit von Guthaben
 8.1.2 Anonymität von Guthabenkarten

8.2 Österreich
 8.3 Schweiz

9 Literatur zu Zahlungsverfahren mittels Prepaidkarten
 10 Weblinks
 11 Quellen

Karte als Datenträger

Die Zugangsinformationen zur Inanspruchnahme der Dienstleistungen werden in der Regel auf Karten im Format einer EC-Karte (85,60 mm × 53,98 mm) gespeichert, die aus Kunststoff oder Pappe hergestellt werden und ihre Daten in aufgedruckter oder geprägter Schrift, einem Magnetstreifen oder in einem elektronischen Speicherchip bzw. Prozessor enthalten. Wenn die Karte lediglich als Informationsträger für aufgedruckte Zugangs- und PIN-Codes dient, ist es prinzipiell möglich, sich nach dem Kauf die Ziffernkombinationen der Karte zu merken, die Karte zu vernichten und dann mit der gemerkten Zahlenkombination den Dienst weiterhin zu nutzen.

Karte als Zahlungsmittel

Die Zugangsinformationen der Karte gewähren dem Besitzer Zugriff auf sein Guthabenkonto, welches namentlich oder anonym beim Kartenherausgeber geführt wird und von dem die fälligen Beträge (z. B. für geführte Telefongespräche oder die Nutzung von Warenverkaufsautomaten) heruntergebucht werden. Der Wert des verbliebenen Guthabens wird nur bei wenigen Anwendungen direkt auf der Karte gespeichert. Solche sind häufig einfach aufgebaute Systeme für geschlossene Benutzergruppen, wie z. B. Wertkarten für Fotokopierer oder Heißgetränkeautomaten, bei denen das Lesegerät über keine Onlineverbindung zu einer Clearingstelle verfügt und allenfalls offline Sperrlisten von kompromittierten Karten vorgehalten werden. Beim System der Geldkarte wird das Guthaben ebenfalls direkt auf der Karte gespeichert, sämtliche Buchungen werden jedoch über ein Schattenkonto nachgehalten, unter anderem, um nach einer Kartenbeschädigung exakt regulieren zu können. Die Zugangsinformationen berechtigen – unabhängig davon, ob sie in einem Chip abgespeichert oder auf der Karte aufgedruckt sind – den Eigentümer zur Nutzung der Guthabenkarte. Bei Verlust der Karte bzw. der Karteninformation wird nur von wenigen Kartenherausgebern eine Kartensperre und/oder die Stellung von Ersatz angeboten.


Auch wenn Erwerb, Einzahlung und Nutzung anonym erfolgen – der Anbieter die Personendaten des Nutzers also nicht kennt –, kommt zwischen Kunde und Anbieter ein Vertragsverhältnis zustande, bei dem „die Karte“ lediglich als Zahlungsmittel genutzt wird, vergleichbar mit der Nutzung von Briefmarken als Briefporto oder zu entwertenden Fahrscheinen. Insofern ist die Werbung vieler Anbieter mit dem Slogan „ohne Vertrag“ rechtlich nicht haltbar. Bei Mobilfunk-Prepaidkarten verlangen die Anbieter die explizite Anerkennung ihrer AGB und sind durch die Telekommunikations-Überwachungsverordnung (TKÜV) gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet, die Personendaten der Kunden zu speichern. Bestandteil vieler AGB sind Klauseln, die Kunden bei Pflichtverletzung zur Zahlung von hohen Beträgen[1] verpflichten. Ebenfalls abhängig von den Vertragsbedingungen ist, ob ein Einzelverbindungsnachweis vom Kunden eingesehen werden kann. Dies wird meist nur auf Antrag entsprochen und ist ggfs. auch entgeltpflichtig.

Typen von Guthabenkarten

Karten zur Nutzung von Telefongesprächsguthaben
 Guthabenkarte (Deutschland) bzw. Telefonwertkarte (Österreich) zur Nutzung von GSM-Mobiltelefonen mit Startguthaben und Auflademöglichkeit
 Calling-Cards: Wertkarten zur Nutzung von (internationalen) Telefonvermittlungen, meist anonym, mit oder ohne die Möglichkeit einer Aufladung; werden auch postpaid angeboten
 Wertkarten für öffentliche Kartentelefone: Telefonkarte (Deutschland) bzw. ÖKaTel (Österreich); mit Guthaben ohne Auflademöglichkeit

Game Time Code

Game Time Codes dienen bei Account-gestützten Computerspielen, etwa MMORPGs, zur Freischaltung von zusätzlicher Spielzeit. Sie fallen unter den Typ der Guthabenkarten mit aufgedrucktem Code.

Andere Guthabenkarten
 Kreditkarten zum Aufladen
 Copycards zur Nutzung von Fotokopierern (entweder nicht aufladbar oder aber postpaid)
 Geldkarten als aufladbarer Münzersatz, z. B. an Parkscheinautomaten, Zigarettenautomaten und in immer mehr Parkhäusern
 „Kantinenkarten“ zur Bezahlung in Betriebskantinen (meist prepaid, teilweise auch postpaid)
 Elektronischer Studentenausweise, wie z. B. die multifunktionale Chipkarte ecUM der Universität Mannheim, die innerhalb des Universitätsgeländes zur Bezahlung von Getränken, Nahrungsmitteln und Büchern (Ausleihe)[2] genutzt werden muss
 Guthabenkarten zur Nutzung von betrieblichen Warenverkaufs- und Heißgetränkeautomaten (wie z. B. oben bereits erwähnte „Kantinenkarten“)
 Guthabenkarten für Freistempel-/Frankiermaschinen
 PayCashCards (z. B. paysafecard, ukashcard etc.) zur anonymen Barzahlung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen im Internet
 Geschenkkarten für den Einzelhandel, die die Funktion von Geschenkgutscheinen übernehmen

Einzahlung des Guthabens

Für das Aufladen der Karte nach Verbrauch des Startguthabens werden verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden angeboten:
 Wertkarten aus Kunststoff oder laminiertem Karton mit Ziffernkombinationen zum Freikratzen (sog. „Rubbelkarten“).
 Ausdruck von Auflade-Codes an eigenen Kundenterminals nach Zahlung mit Bank-/Sparkassenkarte (D) bzw. Bankomatkarte (AUT) (beides vormals unter „EC-Karte“ bekannt)
 Ausdruck der Auflade-Codes per „bettywin-Online-Voucher-System“ (virtuelle Karte – Ticketausdruck) in Internetcafé, Callshop, Tankstellen oder Kiosk vom Shop-Betreiber direkt an den Kunden durch Barzahlung
 Direkte Aufladung in Tankstellen, Kiosken oder (in D und AUT) in bestimmten Bankfilialen über Geldautomaten (D)/Bankomaten (AUT)
 Banküberweisung an den Anbieter
 Abbuchung von der Kreditkarte oder dem Bankkonto per schriftlichem Auftrag; via Callcenter; per Telefon bei einem AVR-System mit Spracherkennung oder DTMF-Steuerung; oder über das Internet. Viele Mobilfunkprovider bieten ein regelmäßiges oder ein automatisches Aufladen an, wenn das Guthaben einen bestimmten Betrag unterschreitet.

Wenn die Nutzung bestimmter Dienste, wie z. B. das Telefonieren im Ausland (Roaming), an die Nutzung der automatischen Aufladung per Abbuchungsermächtigung vom Bankkonto gebunden ist, handelt es sich um eine Mischform aus Prepaid- und Postpaidkarte.

Gründe für die Nutzung von Prepaid-Systemen

Das Konzept der Guthabenkarte hat für den Anbieter den Vorteil, dass er seine Dienstleistungen zur Verfügung stellen kann, ohne dem Kunden Kredit gewähren zu müssen (siehe Postpaid). Darüber hinaus gewährt der Kunde dem Kartenherausgeber in Form des Guthabens ein zinsloses Darlehen, welches Gutscheinen ähnlich bei einigen Anbietern bei Nichtnutzung verfällt.

Als Ersatz für Bargeld, z. B. in Kantinen oder Warenverkaufsautomaten ermöglichen die Guthabenkarten dem Anbieter die Handhabung von Münzgeld einzusparen, somit den Verkauf zu beschleunigen und insbesondere bei Kaufautomaten auf Münzprüfung und Wechselgeldbevorratung zu verzichten.

Im Mobilfunkbereich

Die Entscheidung eines Kunden für einen Prepaid-Tarif kann mehrere Gründe haben wie z. B., wenn sich der Kunde ein festes Kostenlimit setzen will, der korrekten Abrechnung von Gesprächen bei Mobiltelefonlaufzeitverträgen misstraut, von den häufig günstigeren Tarifen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Mobiltelefonlaufzeitverträgen profitieren oder eine übliche Mindestvertragslaufzeit bei Mobiltelefonlaufzeitverträgen umgehen will.

Da gemäß „Taschengeldparagraphen“ im BGB Mobilfunkverträge mit Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren unwirksam sind und gezahlte Rechnungsbeträge zurückgefordert werden könnten, wird ein solches Risiko mit diesem System ausgeschlossen.

Die „Unkompliziertheit“, die auch Spontankäufe begünstigt, und die Tatsache, dass Prepaidkarten für Kunden ohne eigenes Einkommen oder mit negativen Schufa-Einträgen häufig die einzige Möglichkeit zur Mobilfunknutzung darstellen, ermöglicht es Anbietern, für identische Leistungen bei Prepaid-Systemen höhere Preise in Rechnung zu stellen als bei der Rechnungslegung in Laufzeitverträgen.

Der Anbieter kann seine Kosten bei der Verwaltung der Kundenbeziehung durch die Reduzierung auf das von der Telekommunikationsüberwachungsverordnung gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Maß minimieren. In der Regel werden für Prepaiddienste keine Kundenrechnungen angeboten.

Kreditkarten ohne Bonitätsauskunft

Personen, die aufgrund negativer Bonitätseinträge bei Wirtschaftsauskunfteien keine reguläre Kreditkarte bekommen können, können Kreditkarten auf Guthabenbasis nutzen. Im Gegensatz zu regulären Kreditkartentypen gewähren Guthabenkreditkarten die Vorteile einer Kosten- und Ausgabenkontrolle sowie gesteigerten Schutz vor hohen Krediten durch Fremdeinwirkung (z.B. Diebstahl). Dem gegenüber steht der Nachteil, stets für ausreichend Deckung sorgen zu müssen und damit auch eine oft unnötig hohe Geldbindung in Kauf zu nehmen. Weiterhin sind für die jährliche Kartennutzung meist deutlich höhere Gebühren zu entrichten als bei regulären Kreditkarten.


In der Mobilfunkbranche sind Startpakete mit Mobiltelefon, SIM-Karte und Startguthaben üblich, wobei die Telefone im Regelfall mit einem SIM-Lock gegen die Nutzung anderer SIM-Karten gesperrt sind. Der erste europäische Anbieter, der Prepaid-SIM-Karten anbot, war das Düsseldorfer Unternehmen Walter Siebel Elektronik, welches bereits im April 1996 "Siebel's Guthabenkarte" auf den Deutschen Markt brachte. Siebel's Guthabenkarten waren völlig anonym und nicht nur vom Guthaben her, sondern auch von Ihrer Laufzeit her begrenzt. Später machte sich die Firma Mannesmann Mobilfunk die Idee von Walter Siebel zu eigen und brachte unter dem eigenen Namen die CallYa-Karte auf den Markt. Seit 2005 verzeichnen Mobilfunk-Discounter in Deutschland Marktzuwächse, die SIM-Karte und Startguthaben ohne subventioniertes Telefon anbieten.

Da nur die zeitabhängigen Gesprächskosten, aber keine Grundgebühr verrechnet wird, sind die Zeittarife in der Regel höher als bei Verträgen mit nachträglicher Abrechnung. Insbesondere bei Mobilfunk-Discountern ist dies häufig nicht der Fall, so dass häufig Prepaidtarife von Mobilfunk-Discountern günstiger sind als Laufzeitverträge.

Weltweit waren im Juli 2006 von den etwa 2,3 Milliarden Mobilfunkverträgen 1,5 Milliarden Prepaidverträge. Dabei sind vor allem Afrika mit mehr als 90 % und Südamerika sowie Osteuropa mit je ca. 80 % führend.[3] In Deutschland haben 37,7 % der Handybesitzer eine Prepaid-Karte.[4]

Ist das Guthaben vertelefoniert, ist die Rufnummer trotzdem noch eine gewisse Zeit lang erreichbar (zwischen 2 und 15 Monaten). Wird das Guthaben in diesem Zeitraum nicht erneuert, wird die Karte gesperrt. Es wird hier zwischen Guthabengültigkeit („PhoneTime“ – zwischen 3 und 24 Monaten) und anschließender Erreichbarkeit („MessageTime“) unterschieden.

Die Mobilfunkbetreiber betreiben Guthabensysteme üblicherweise über ein Intelligentes Netz (IN). Im IN-Netzknoten SCP/SMP werden sowohl die Kartendaten gespeichert als auch die Gesprächskosten berechnet.

Ein Teil der Mobilfunkanbieter bieten Vorauszahlsysteme parallel zu Verträgen mit Anmeldung an, ein anderer Teil vertreibt ausschließlich Prepaid-Karten.


Kartenangebote der deutschen Mobilfunkanbieter heißen unter anderem: BASE Prepaid (E-Plus), CallYa (Vodafone), O₂ Prepaid (O₂) und Xtra (T-Mobile). Billigangebote, sogenannte No-Frills-Angebote gibt es direkt im Internet (z.B. BILDmobil,, callmobile, congstar, Fonic, ring, simyo, solomo) oder bei Handelsketten z.B. Aldi (ALDI-TALK), EDEKAmobil, Lidl-mobile (FONIC), Penny (PENNYMOBIL), Plus, Rewe (ja!mobil), Schlecker (smobil), Tchibo (Tchibo Mobil), siehe Mobilfunk-Discounter.

Unverfallbarkeit von Guthaben

Nach zwei Urteilen hoher Gerichte dürfen bei den Mobilfunkbetreibern O2 Germany und Vodafone Deutschland die Guthaben nicht mehr verfallen, weder nach Ablauf einer Nachfrist noch nach vorzeitiger Vertragsbeendigung. Allerdings darf für die Rückgabe des unverbrauchten Guthabens eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Rechnung gestellt werden.[5]

Anonymität von Guthabenkarten

Seit 2004 dürfen Anbieter Prepaidkarten erst nach Angabe von Name, Anschrift und Geburtsdatum freischalten (§ 111 Abs. 1 TKG). Die Anbieter sind allerdings nicht verpflichtet, die Angaben des Kunden anhand eines Ausweises zu kontrollieren. Falsche Angaben sind gesetzlich nicht verboten, solange man keinen fremden Ausweis vorlegt (vgl. Missbrauch von Ausweispapieren). Auf die Kundendateien der Netzbetreiber haben über 1.000 Behörden Online-Zugriff.[6] Pro Jahr finden 6 Mio. Zugriffe statt.[7]

Nachdem entsprechende kommerzielle Angebote abgemahnt wurden,[8] wird im Internet eine nicht-kommerzielle Handykartentauschbörse angeboten.[9]

Eine Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen den deutschen Identifizierungszwang hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht 2012 "angesichts des nicht sehr weit reichenden Informationsgehalts der erfassten Daten" zurückgewiesen.[10] Die Beschwerdeführer haben angekündigt, dagegen vor den Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte zu ziehen: Die Gesellschaft brauche anonyme Telekommunikation, "damit jeder Mensch ohne Furcht vor Nachteilen telefonische Beratung oder Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen, Straftaten anzeigen und die Presse von Missständen in Kenntnis setzen kann."[11]


Kartenangebote österreichischer Mobilfunkanbieter sind: B-Free (A1 – Mobilkom Austria), Drei Reload (Drei), Klax (T-Mobile Austria), Orange Wertkarte - vormals TAKE ONE - (Orange),YESSS! und Mücke (Tele.ring). Die Mobilfunkgesellschaft eety bietet ausschließlich Guthabenkarten-Karten in Supermärkten (Hofer) an.

Eine Registrierungspflicht wie in Deutschland besteht in Österreich nicht.


Auf dem Schweizer Mobilfunkmarkt sind momentan folgende Prepaid-Angebote verfügbar:

Prepaid-Karten der Mobilfunkbetreiber:
 „go“ von Sunrise
 „NATEL® easy liberty“ von Swisscom
 „PrePay Unlimited“ und "" von Orange

Prepaid-Karten von Service-Providern:
 „cablecom mobile ready“ von Cablecom
 „CoopMobile“ von Coop (Handelskette)
 „Lebara Mobile“ von Lebara
 „M-Budget Mobile“ von Migros (Handelskette)
 „mobilezone light“ von mobilezone
 „OK.-“ von Valora AG [12]
 „Salut Mobile“ von Aldi Suisse (Handelskette)
 „TalkTalk Standard“ von The Phone House
 „yallo“ von Sunrise Communications AG

 Wer in der Schweiz eine SIM-Karte erwirbt, muss sich für deren Aktivierung registrieren. Für Registrierung bedarf es eines Ausweises der, wenn nicht in der Schweiz ausgestellt, für den Grenzübertritt in die Schweiz zulässig ist. Die Registrierungspflicht wurde 2004 eingeführt

Offshore Bank Konto

Warum man im einzelnen über ein persönliches Offshorekonto, mit oder ohne Offshore Firma nachdenkt, kann unterschiedlichste Gründe haben. Was aber ist ein Offshore Konto eigentlich und welche Dienstleistungen hat man in einem Offshoreland zu erwarten?

Als Offshore Bank bezeichnet man eine Bank, die ihren Sitz an einem Offshore Finanzplatz (z.B. Seychellen) unterhält. Hier fallen in der Regel entweder nur geringe oder gar keine Steuern an.

Ein Offshore Konto ist ein Konto, dass bei einer Offshore Bank eingerichtet und auch dort geführt wird. Offshore Banken sind Banken in so genannten Steueroasen, wie zum Beispiel auf den Seychellen. Es handelt sich also um Orten, wo keinerlei Einkommenssteuer erhoben wird. Ein Offshore Konto macht hier natürlich ausdrücklich Sinn.

Mehr Infos zum Offshore Konto
Es ist auf keinen Fall illegal, bei einer Offshore Bank ein Offshore Konto zu führen. Offshore Konten befinden sich außerhalb des rechtlichen Geltungsbereiches eines Landes, in dem man lebt. Somit gelten dort meist auch bessere steuerliche Regeln, als im eigenen Land (z.B. in Deutschland). Bitte informieren Sie sich diesbezüglich. Die Vorteile dieser Regeln sind:

maximaler Datenschutz;
absolutes  Bankgeheimnis;
geringe oder gar keine Steuern;
einfacher Zugriff auf die Vermögen via Internetbanking und Kreditkarte, weltweit und 24 Stunden;
Schutz gegen lokale politische oder finanzielle Instabilität und Veränderungen.
Der Begriff  „Offshore” bedeutet im Allgemeinen lediglich „außerhalb der Küstengewässer liegend” und bezeichnet
ursprünglich die zu einem Land gehörenden Hochseeinseln;
daraus abgeleitet alle steuerlich begünstigten Gebiete / Steuerparadiese od. auch Steueroasen)
die Verlagerung von Prozessen und Funktionen eines Unternehmens ins Übersee-Ausland, auch Offshoring genannt.
Deshalb befinden sich die meisten Offshore Banken, natürlich auch heute noch, auf Insel-Staaten, wie z.B. den Seychellen.
Offshore Banken wurden in der Vergangenheit, oftmals zu Unrecht, im Zusammenhang mit Schattenwirtschaft und organisierter Kriminalität oder mit Steuerhinterziehung und Geldwäsche in Verbindung gebracht. Dies konnte aber die rechtliche Basis und die Existenz von Offshore Banken nicht verhindern.

BNP Paribas private bank Switzerland

The BNP Paribas group

With 190,000 staff members present in 80 countries, BNP Paribas is one of the European leaders in financial services with a global reach, boasting key positions in its three main fields of operations: Retail Banking, Investment Solutions and Corporate & Investment Banking.

BNP Paribas fields a strong domestic presence on four European retail markets, Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg and also has a significant market presence in the USA along with strong positions in Asia and emerging nations.


    • 1st bank in the euro zone
    • 5th bank in the global banking sector
    • 1st among French enterprises
    • 11th of the world leading companies (Global 2000 Forbes 2011)
    • Net Banking Income: €6.0 bn (as of 31 December 2011)
    • Best bank in developed Europe (Global Finance 2011)


    • Standard & Poors: A+, Negative outlook (as of October 25th, 2012)
    • Fitch: A+, Stable Outlook (as of October 10th, 2012)
    • Moody’s: A2, Stable (as of June 21st 2012)


    BNP Paribas is the bank for a changing world. BNP Paribas' number one asset is the confidence that our clients place in us, which has been build up over time. The Group is led and steered in accordance with the basic commitments that are essential if we are to deserve that trust and confidence:

    • Remaining true to our primary mission: long-term service to our clients
    • Being prepared to take risks, while ensuring close risk control
    • Following a strict business ethic
    • Being a responsible bank

    Motivated by the values of commitment, ambition, creativity and responsiveness, managed in accordance with a clear set of management principles – Client Focus, Risk-Aware Entrepreneurship, People Care and Lead by Example – and inspired to the highest business ethic by the Group's code of conduct, BNP Paribas people strive each day to ensure successful outcomes for all those who place their trust in the Bank and for the good of society. We are proud to be a responsible bank and we take great pride in our profession. That's our vision for the bank.
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    Private Clients; News & Press; Careers; Contact Us; BNP Paribas Switzerland. BNP Paribas, a leader in global ... industry publication, has today named BNP Paribas its 2012 Bank ...

India Offshore Bank ICICI BANK

India’s Largest Private Bank, ICICI Bank’s Approach to “International Remittances”

International remittances from migrant foreign workers have grown to have an important economic impact on developing countries receiving them. The World Bank estimates migrant remittances at an annual value of USD 268 billion (as in 2006), growing at an estimated 10% year-after-year. A market traditionally being dominated by Money Transfer Operators, banks are now beginning to awaken to its potential revenue and customer acquisition opportunities. Remittances can offer significant business opportunities for banks:

1. Business Income:
Banks can look forward to three levels of earnings through remittances:
Upfront Fees
Remittance charges,
Forex income, and
Float income.
2. Growth in market share:
Banks are able to offer lower costs, making them competitive with Money Transfer Operators. This enables banks to expand market share in one or more regions.

3.  New business and customer loyalty growth:
Remittances are value-added services from the bank to its customers, as well as effective tools to attract new customers.

Location: India
The Bank: India’s largest private sector bank
Assets: US$ 79 billion
Solution: International Remittance Solution
There are critical issues, however, which Banks must address to emerge as serious players in the business:
·        A need to establish a correspondent network in the targeted origination or recipient countries.
·        A lack of universal standards and instruction formats for remittances.
·        Cater to customer requirements such as convenient transfer options, transparency of rates and fees, and speed and assurance of delivery.
·        Adhere to regulatory compliance needs like “Know Your Customer”, “Anti Money Laundering” and “Fraud Detection”.

But how does a bank go about achieving it? How can a well-established bank from a remittance recipient developing country present itself in the remittance initiating developed countries and emerge as a dominant remittance service provider? This report
captures the rise of one such player – ICICI Bank Ltd, which dominates the inward remittances into India from across the globe.


India is the largest recipient of remittances with migrant remittances in excess of USD 26 billion in FY 2006. Based on migration patterns, India inward remittance volumes are polarized across select corridors. The chart below depicts the significant share of US, Europe and Gulf (Middle East) originating remittances. Secondly, Indian migrants depict a varied profile across geographies – blue collared works in the Gulf countries, and largely white collared, knowledge workers in the US and Europe. This leads to two distinct user groups of remittance services with extremely different banking habits. The remittance objectives vary from family maintenance to include investments and buying property in the home country. The solution strategy on remittance services has to factor in these preferences. ICICI Bank has managed to create and implement differential strategies to address the needs of both communities.


ICICI Bank’s key focus in the remittances space was towards building access to low cost and convenient remittances, for both the remitters and the beneficiaries. The value perceived by the overall remittance community was on following lines-

·        Increased and easier accessibility for the remitter and beneficiary
·        Simpler processes on registration, transaction requests and status follow-ups
·        Faster transfers and payout to the beneficiary
·        A reduced overall remittances cost per transaction to the remitter

Studying Migration Patterns and Key Corridors
The business strategy that ICICI Bank evolved was based on a close study of the target customers:

(A) Distinct customer segments initiating remittances

*  White collared remitters, technology workers and the likes, - originating largely in the US, UK and Japan
*  Blue collared remitters, labor manpower like contract laborers, maids, drivers, technicians, originating largely
in the Gulf countries

(B) Different remittance and banking patterns

* The white collared migrants originate large ticket transfers and are highly banked at both ends – origination and distribution.
*  The blue collared migrants typically lead to small ticket transfers and are comparatively under-banked
connecting to small towns in the receiving countries

(C) Differential preferences on the choice of the remittance mechanism

*  The knowledge workers prefer the innovative methods like online transfers, account debits that are relatively low in cost and high on convenience.
* The blue collared workers prefer the traditional methods of money transfer in the form of cash deposits and withdrawals through physical branches or agent networks, that are relatively high in convenience and speed, but high in cost as well.

The remittances business is largely a low-value, high volume retail payments model. Existing payment transaction mechanisms did not suit well to offer low cost services per transaction. ICICI Bank realized that the money transfer market asked for a creative approach and an independent, dedicated focus on the business. The bank brought in significant innovation and productization based on the use of technology and alliances.


The remittance services model was based on the strategy of building a technologically capable platform strengthened further by creating multiple partnerships in key geographies. The partnerships leveraged the complementary strengths of ICICI Bank – in terms of a strong India distribution and large beneficiary customer base, and strengths of the partner banks – in terms of Enhanced reach and origination capability, and specific targeting of the Indian NRI (non-resident Indians) community in the respective geographies.

ICICI Bank chose specialized partners with deep reach in key origination markets.

UK: Alliance with Lloyds Bank. Remitters can integrate their accounts in ICICI Bank, UK with accessible
Lloyds Bank branches

USA: Partnered with Wells Fargo Bank. Remitters can open Remittance Account at the bank and initiate
transactions through ATM, Internet and Wells Fargo branches.

Gulf: Predominantly a cash transfer market, multiple models to build reach to the remitters. ICICI Bank’s own branches in some regions, tie-ups with Emirates bank and Commercial bank of Qatar; and aggregation of transactions through partnered Exchange Houses (Money Changer Agencies). The partner agency users are provided access to ICICI Bank’s proprietary online system to enter remittance instructions provided by remitters.

Singapore: Alliance with DBS Bank, which shares good equity within the Indian community in Singapore. The partners are also benefited in this relationship based on the volume of business, and even more from the profitable relationship with the remitters as they avail other account related services from them.


Technology offered the options to use alternate transaction request and payment delivery channels, build scalability and reduce costs through automation. A dedicated technology and processing infrastructure has helped the bank to minimize costs and improve service levels to the remitters.
This technology contribution highlights the role of leading vendors like CashTech Solutions, a Fundtech company, in providing specialized Remittance Management Solutions. The bank’s offering strengthened on account of rich platform features.

v Web-based technology platform leading to instant access and initiation for remitters as well as for bank users.
v  Largely automated funding, forex and centralized payment processing enabling a high degree of Straight Through Processing.
v Focus on better customer service: continuous online status tracking and dedicated customer care call center.
v Remittance system well integrated with the other banking and processing systems of the bank leading to significant cost savings.
v The cost savings are then being passed on to the customer, making the overall remittance service extremely competitive.
v Automated connectivity of the remittances system to electronic clearings locally at both the origination and distribution side. This improved both the processing speed as well as reach across bank branches.


          A series of articles published on June 23, 2006, by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Los Angeles Times revealed that the United States government, specifically the Treasury Department and the CIA, had a program to access the SWIFT transaction database after the September 11th attacks rendering offshore banking for privacy was severely compromised.
          They argue that offshore banking offers a competitive threat to the banking and taxation systems in developed countries.
International banks may also choose to set up branches or offices at centers abroad including offshore centers with a view to avoid conformity to stringent domestic monetary policy regulations. The basic characteristic of offshore banking is its segregation from the banking system of the host country. In sense, the banking centers remain offshore and uncontrolled. Several of the US international banks set up branches at an offshore center such as Bahamas to get away from the restriction of the US federal government on domestic banking in USA
          In the 21st century, regulation of offshore banking is allegedly improving, although critics maintain it remains largely insufficient. The quality of the regulation is monitored by supra-national bodies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Banks are generally required to maintain capital adequacy in accordance with international standards. They must report at least quarterly to the regulator on the current state of the business.

Since the late 1990s, especially following September 11, 2001, there have been a number of initiatives to increase the transparency of offshore banking, although critics such as the Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens (ATTAC) non-governmental organization (NGO) maintain that they have been insufficient.
  The tightening of anti-money laundering regulations in many countries including most popular offshore banking locations means that bankers are required, by good faith, to report suspicion of money laundering to the local police authority, regardless of banking secrecy rules. There is more international co-operation between police authorities.
  In the US the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) introduced Qualifying Intermediary requirements, which mean that the names of the recipients of US-source investment income are passed to the IRS.

  Following 9/11 the US introduced the USA PATRIOT Act, which authorises the US authorities to seize the assets of a bank, where it is believed that the bank holds assets for a suspected criminal. Similar measures have been introduced in some other countries.
  The European Union has introduced sharing of information between certain jurisdictions, and enforced this in respect of certain controlled centres, such as the UK Offshore Islands, so that tax information is able to be shared in respect of interest.

  Banks are generally required to maintain capital adequacy in accordance with international standards. They must report at least quarterly to the regulator on the current state of the business.
Offshore Bank accounts 2013 dossier


 India has made a cautious beginning in offshore banking by permitting for the first time Offshore Banking Units (OBUs) to be set up in Special Economic Zones (SEZs). The SEZs have been set up with a view to providing an internationally competitive and hassle free environment for export production.
SEZs will be specially delineated duty free enclave and deemed to be a foreign territory for the purpose of trade operations and duties / tariffs so as to usher in export-led growth of the economy. The OBUs virtually would be foreign branches of Indian banks located in India.
These OBUs, inter alia, would be exempt from reserve requirements and provide access to SEZ units and SEZ developers to international finances at international rates.
 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has permitted banks operating in India, whether Indian, public/private sector or foreign, to set up OBUs in the SEZs.
The OBUs would carry out essentially wholesale banking operations. The OBUs will be set up as branches of the banks and therefore no separate assigned capital will be required. All prudential norms applicable to overseas branches of Indian Banks would apply to OBUs.
Thus, the necessary risk management practices that are in vogue internationally would have to be adopted by the OBUs. The OBUs will be regulated and supervised by RBI. They will be required to scrupulously follow “Know Your Customer” and other anti- Money laundering directives of RBI from time to time.

• They will be permitted to be set up in Special Economic Zones.
• These banks will be virtually (almost) foreign branches of the banks but located in India.
• The Overseas Banking Units (OBUs) would be exempted from CRR, SLR etc.
• The OBUs would operate and maintain balance sheet only in foreign currency and would not be allowed to deal in Indian Rupees except for having a special Rupee account to meet their day to day expenses. These branches will not be allowed to participate in domestic call and money market etc.
• These accounts can be opened by Non-Resident Individuals, Corporates, Trusts or Offshore companies.

        Offshore banks in India offer lot of financial services:
• Acceptance of Multi-Currency Deposits
• Multi-Currency borrowing option
• Loans against deposits in foreign currency
• Derivatives products
• Issuance of L/C, Bank Guarantee, Bill Discounting
   and collection & negotiation of trade bills
• Long term finance and short term finance (working
   capital) in all countries
• External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) etc.

        Offshore banking is an important part of the international financial system. Experts believe that as much as half the world's capital flows through offshore centers.
Tax havens have 1.2% of the world's population and hold 26% of the world's wealth, including 31% of the net profits of United States multinationals.
According to Merrill Lynch and Gemini Consulting's “World Wealth Report” for 2000, one third of the wealth of the world's “HIGH NET-WORTH INDIVIDUALS”—nearly $6 trillion out of $17.5 trillion—may now be held offshore. Some $3 trillion is in deposits in tax haven banks and the rest is in securities held by international business companies (IBCs) and trusts.
The IMF has said that between $600 billion and $1.5 trillion of illicit money is laundered annually, equal to 2% to 5% of global economic output. Today, offshore is where most of the world's drug money is allegedly laundered, estimated at up to $500 billion a year, more than the total income of the world's poorest 20%.
Add the proceeds of tax evasion and the figure skyrockets to $1 trillion. Another few hundred billion come from fraud and corruption.
"These offshore centers awash in money are the hub of a colossal, underground network of crime, fraud, and corruption" commented Lucy Komisar quoting these statistics.
Among offshore banks, Swiss banks hold an estimated 35% of the world's private and institutional funds (or 3 trillion Swiss francs), and the Cayman Islands (1.9 trillion US dollars in deposits) are the fifth largest banking centre globally in terms of deposits. What is offshore Bank account?