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Latvia Facts

On the world map, Latvia is to be found on the east coast of the Baltic Sea at the crossroads of northern and eastern Europe. Latvia, a parliamentary republic is bordered by Estonia to the north, Russia and Belarus to the east, Lithuania to the south and has a maritime border with Sweden to the west.  
Name of country   Republic of Latvia
Country code  LV 
Size of Area  64 589 km2
Population (at the beginning of 2009)  2,229 million
Capital City  Riga
Ethnic Composition (beginning of 2008)  59.4% Latvian, 27.6% Russian, 3.6% Belarusian,
2.5% Ukrainian, 2.3% Polish, 1.3% Lithuanian,
0.4% Jewish, 2.9% other nationalities
   Latvian (official); Russian, English and German are also widely spoken 
Political system  Republic, parliamentary democracy 
Head of State  President Mr. Andris Bērziņš
(elected in 2011 by Parliament for a four-year term)
Head of Government   Prime Minister Mr. Valdis Dombrovskis
Political Parties
  Association of Political Parties “Harmony Centre” (Politisko partiju apvienība “Saskaņas Centrs”): 31 seats
Unity (Vienotība): 20 seats
Zatlers’ Reform Party: 16 seats
National Association “All For Latvia!” - “For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK” (Nacionālā apvienība “Visu Latvijai!” – “Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK”): 14
Greens and Farmers Union (Zaļo un Zemnieku savienība): 13 seats
Independents: 6 seats
Membership in International Organizations   Member of NATO since 2004
Member of WTO since 1998
EU Membership  Since 2004
GDP(2009) EUR 18.017 billion
EUR 18.615  billion
Growth of GDP(2010)
Growth of GDP(2009)  - 0.2%
 - 18%

GDP per capita(2010)
GDP per capita(2009)  EUR 8,031
EUR 8,256
Private Consumption
(percentage of GDP, 2010)   63% 
Public Consumption
(percentage of GDP, 2010)   17%
Capital Account Balance
(2010)   EUR 352.7 million
Gross Fixed Capital Formation
(percentage of GDP, 2010)   18%
Growth of Industrial Production
(as % of previous period, data adjusted by number of working days, 2010)   13.9% 
Government Revenue
(percentage of GDP, 2010)    36.2%

Government Expenditure
(percentage of GDP, 2010)  42.5% 
Inflation Rate (2010)    - 1.1%
Rate of Real Wage Growth (2010)   - 3.5% 
Unemployment Rate (2010)   18.7% 
Fiscal Balance
(percentage of GDP) (2010)    - 6.3% 
Current Accounts (2010)  EUR 648.5 billion
Exports of goods and services (2010)  EUR 9.578 billion
Imports of goods and services (2010)  EUR 9.625 billion
Accumulated FDI (2010)   EUR 8.250 billion 
Accumulated FDI per capita (2010)   EUR 3700  
Government Debt (2010)   EUR 7.230 billion
Exchange Rate to EURO, fixed rate as of January 1, 2005  1 EUR = 0.702804 LVL

Credit Ratings:
BBB-/stable (Dec. 2011)
Baa3 (Dec. 2011)
BBB-/stable (Jan. 2012)
BB+/positive (March 2011)